The 7 Best States to Start a Business
Ranking the states based on how friendly they are to entrepreneurs

When it comes to starting a business, the question of "where" can be just as important as "what," "why," and "how." Some states offer better business climates for entrepreneurs than others. And in today's economy, entrepreneurs need all the help they can get when launching a new business.

U.S. News decided to look at two comprehensive studies that take completely different approaches to measuring the friendliness of the 50 states to entrepreneurs: the
2008 New State Economy Index, by the Kauffman Foundation and the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, and the Small Business Survival Index 2008, by the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council. 

They combined the rankings of these two studies to help come up with their list of the top seven states for starting a business. Click here to learn what they found.

Nevada Ranks #2 in Business Survival Index 
December 9, 2008--The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council) released its 13th annual rankings of the states according to their public policy climates for small business and entrepreneurship in the "
Small Business Survival Index 2008: Ranking the Policy Environment for Entrepreneurship Across the Nation."

SBE Council chief economist Raymond J. Keating, author of the study, said: "The U.S. economy is in a serious downturn, and the outlook for a robust recovery seems remote. That means state and local policymakers face some very difficult decisions, especially on budget matters. Depending on the policy course that state lawmakers choose, they can either make the economic situation in their own state better or far worse."

In terms of their policy environments, the most entrepreneur-friendly states under the "Small Business Survival Index 2008" are: 1) South Dakota, 2) Nevada, 3) Wyoming, 4) Florida, 5) Washington, 6) Texas, 7) South Carolina, 8) Alabama, 9) Virginia, and 10) Colorado. The more difficult state policy environments for entrepreneurs include: 40) West Virginia, 41) Hawaii, 42) Iowa, 43) Vermont, 44) Massachusetts, 45) New York, 46) Minnesota, 47) Rhode Island, 48) Maine, 49) California, 50) New Jersey and 51) District of Columbia.

What CEOs are saying about Nevada
When Development Counsellors International (DCI) conducted its survey last summer, CEOs ranked Nevada as the 5th best business climate in the U.S. 
Click here to read what CEOs are saying about Nevada.  To download a copy of the full report, visit DCI's website by clicking here.


Scheduled Meetings

Commission Meetings

Commission meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month.  For consideration at a meeting, requests and applications must be received 30 business days prior to the meeting.  Meetings are agendized and posted in accordance with Nevada's Open Meeting Laws. 

The next scheduled meeting of the Commission on Economic Development is February 16, 2010 at 1:30 p.m.  This meeting will be video-conferenced.  Click here for an agenda.


NCED Seeks International Representatives

The Nevada Commission on Economic Development is soliciting proposals from qualified professionals to work with the agency to promote the export of, and generate demand for, Nevada's products and services; and, attract inbound direct investment in Nevada and Nevada businesses internationally. 

The Commission currently operates foreign offices (by representatives in the People's Republic of China, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan and Mexico.  The agency is seeking to expand its international representation.

The positions are not compensated by the State of Nevada.  The represenatives are compensated by the fees that they charge companies or clients for the services they provide.

For more information, qualifications and application process, please download the announcement(s) below:

Please Note:  The deadline for submitting proposals for the countries below has been extended to February 26, 2010.


Proposals for the countries below will be accepted between January 15 and February 19, 2010.

The United Kingdom

Additional countries will be posted after February 19, 2010. 


Welcome to NCED

If you are interested in the benefits of doing business in Nevada, you’ve come to the right place.

The Nevada Commission on Economic Development is your business resource.

Whether your company is considering moving to Nevada, is already here and ready to expand, or you’re an entrepreneur looking to start a business, this website has the information you need to successfully do business in the Silver State.

Our mission is to maintain a diverse economic base, ensure a healthy economy through quality jobs and competitive wages, and provide a quality of life that attracts and retains businesses.

If you’re a small business going after a big government contract, our experts can help you seal the deal.

If you live in a rural community that wants to remain economically viable, we have specific steps you can take to turn your vision into reality.

Our programs are designed to remove barriers and help businesses achieve success.  Whether your company is entering the global market for the first time or you’re an experienced exporter, you’ll receive the help you need to grow your business and market your products and services to national and international audiences.

If you’re ready, we’re eager to help you do business in Nevada.

Best regards,

Brian K. Krolicki
Lieutenant Governor
Chairman, Nevada Commission on Economic Development

The State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program which assists 26 local governments (both cities and counties) in the rural areas of Nevada received $740,431 in stimulus (ARRA) funding.  These funds will be allocated to three projects in rural Nevada:  Star City Water System Improvements in Humboldt County; Austin Sewer Treatment Plant Relocation in Lander County; and, Sun Valley Sidewalk Improvements in Washoe County.  The Substantial Amendment provides more details.  For more information on all of the State's ARRA activities, click here. 

Stimulus RZF Bond Fact Sheet


Recent NCED e-News

NCED's NevadaSpirit glossy print magazine has been replaced with an e-newsletter.  The new electronic format allows us to provide our readers with brief, easy-to-read articles.  Below are the most recent newsletters.

State Places Emphasis on Global Business October/November 2009
High-level Collaboration Seals Northwest Territorial Mint Deal, September 2009
Nevada Companies Rack Up International Sales, May 2009
Nevada's Businesses Hook Up with Government Clients, June 2009
Film Revenues Top $100 Million, June 2009